What are the most important hygiene habits you wish you knew when you were younger?

The importance of proper dental carw. Eaoecially Sensodyne and a water pik.

I grew up in a rural area with limited dental care. I don't remember a time in my life without cavities. I'm 22 and look like a meth head. I have never done meth. I just didn't care for my teeth like I should have. I lived off soda and extra buttered popcorn. I bought a very cheap veneer off Amazon because I was so ashamed I was suicidal. Thank god for the suicide hotline! My veneer is very obviously fake but it's better than my real teeth. At one point I would only brush every few days because of the pain. I wasn't aware of Sensodyne. When I did get dental care it was very painful. It was either dental students or the kind of dentist in horror movies. I kid you not. I can't stand a dentists office. I've tried sedation dentistry but I don't think they realize that it upsets me so much I can't get past the waiting room even for a routine cleaning. I can't stand any dental tools of any kind. The sound of a dental drill makes me scratch myself and lunch myself so I bruise plus I shake so bad that one dentist covered me in a bunch of blankets thinking I was cold. It was fear.

I am now aware of Sensodyne and the water pik, but unfortunately it's too late. My 4 front teeth (top) are beyond root canals. I have been given the choice between dentures or implants. I can't afford either one. I didn't floss because it hurt. At the time, stupid me, didn't realize the pain would go away if I flossed regularly. As I type this I can't stop grinding my teeth. My two bottom wisdom teeth are impacted and cause a lot of pain. How an infection hasn't killed me I'll never know. My mother allowed me to eat uncooked spaghetti as a child.

I really wish someone had gotten through to me and make me understand how important teeth are.

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