What are some of the wrestlers/angles you were urged to "give a chance" to that never improved?

I got banned for posting this, no warning

Copy of a comment to u/spez

So I sent this to you but of course you ignored it and permanently banned all of my accounts and any new ones I create on my IP (did u really think VPN's and proxies were some sort of mystery?):

So I got banned from r/nfl a month ago and was never given a reason why despite repeatedly asking: this is a screenshot. Finally one of the mods stated that I was engaging in fanbase attacks (essentially talking smack about another team). But what essentially happened was that I criticized one of the mods in a thread and was subsequently targeted. They never actually showed me a comment that triggered the ban and continually refuse to. Users engage in fanbase "abuse" all day, every day. If it was actually enforced 95% of the users would be banned.

I brought this up in another r/NFL thread revolving around abusive mod behavior - here

So of course, because I used another account after being banned, these vindictive dipshits had my accounts suspended

So here is this issue: why do you allow people, who routinely get called out for abuse again and again and again, to create opaque rules for their subs that they selectively enforce? So because some oversensitive wankers, who sit around all day abusing their userbase in private mod conversations, get mad Im supposed to never ever ever discuss the NFL on reddit again? Really? To the point that you'll suspend every account I create that uses r/nfl?? Really? For a ban that was never justified? Because Im going to keep going on that sub and keep talking about the NFL and you can keep banning me. Because this is fucking ridiculous. Is this what you want Reedit's time wasted on?

I didnt run around using the N word. I didnt share child porn. I didnt harass a user for months on end. I didnt fat shame. I didnt post racist shit. I didnt create a sub like the donald. I dont brigade. and on and on and on. This is the kind of stuff that goes on all day on Reddit. I got some little mod angry on r/nfl and thats what gets an account banned? Oh, now im being a major prick to them for sure but thats after this ridiculousness started.

So tell me, am I supposed to never use a major sub like that ever again? This is exactly why Reddit has the bad name it does.

You're a shitty person and so are the other admins, and the mods you get to do your free work for you are even shittier - fake mea culpa here notwithstanding.

You dont give a shit about anything or have any standards.

/r/SquaredCircle Thread Parent