What are your thoughts on lying to your SO?

Do you ever sometimes lie to your SO?

sure. see he really likes spicy food and has zero sensitivity to it... but i'm the opposite. so sometimes he over-seasons stuff, and i tell him it's fine even though my mouth is on fire.

Do you believe a 'lie of omission' is the same as lying?

it can be, yeah.

Does your partner preference trust over disclosure?

eh, weird question... maybe not. he'd probably want to know instead of just believe, i guess, though i think you can prioritize both pretty highly together.

How does that affect your relationship, if at all?

it doesn't; we're both pretty no-nonsense people without much to hide, if anything, so most of the time we don't have to demand disclosure or anything like that. a question is asked, and then answered honestly, the end.

Do you think that women who do feel comfortable with a few lies in their relationship are wrong?

depends on the lies, and how they would also affect the other person in their relationship. i think white lies are pretty common though, so if we're counting those as well, i'd probably guess that the lies are minor and harmless unless given a reason to think otherwise.

How do you feel about the idea of your SO lying to you or withholding information?

similar to the above, it depends on the lie. he has probably told me a white lie before, no big deal. if he was keeping a hurtful secret from me, though, obviously i'm going to have a problem with that.

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