What was the "please stop" school presentation that you witnessed?

Not sure if this counts, but it's something that I was a part of.

We used to go to this one church that would do a Bible-bee every year (kinda like a spelling-bee except you memorize Bible verses).

Normally the way this worked is that you would be given a list of verses that you would recite privately in front of 2-3 judges, and afterwards you had the option to do so in front of a live audience (I think you got bonus points for it or something).

Being an introvert, I would always choose not to recite verses in front of a live audience. But I didn't mind, because I still got 2nd and 3rd place respectively during my first two runs. Yay me.

On my third run things seemed normal at first. Then when it came time for the live demonstrations things started to get weird.

A lot of the kids who were being called up were really struggling with their verses, some requiring a prompt after every other word, or even having to move on to the next verse because they apparently hadn't memorized it at all.

It was already painful to watch as I was sitting in my pew. Then things went from bad to worse as MY name was called.

At first I thought I was hearing things, since I had not volunteered to do the live show today (or any day prior). But to my horror I quickly realized that I now had to do the one thing I had hoped to avoid.

Things only went downhill from there. Half of the verses they told me to recite weren't even on the list I was given. And I struggled with the ones I DID know due to stage fright. I forget what my score was, but it was arguably the most embarrassing experience I've ever had.

I later found out that one of the women in charge (let's call her 'Jane') had previously suggested that all of the kids do the live show. My mom (who's friends with Jane) told her that it was probably a bad idea to make kids do something they didn't want to do. Jane complied (not) and said that she would run things like normal.

My mom (and I assume several other parents) had a stern conversation with Jane afterwards, and I never participated in the Bible-bee again.

/r/AskReddit Thread