What’s the worst sexual experience you had?

Can confirm, these probiotics help a lot! A healthy vagina has "good" microbes in it that produce lactic acid. (Kinda similar to the ones in yoghurt) This acidity kills any harmful microbes and yeast, keeping everything healthy and protected.

If the ph value is disturbed and the good microbes die, for example through aggressive douching, antibiotics or hormonal changes, a yeast infection is almost guaranteed to happen sooner or later.

When that happens, there are two steps to getting healthy again, according to my gynecologist. First, the yeast needs to be killed off, usually with clotrimazole. (In a real pinch, even the clotrimazole cream used to treat athlete's foot could help, though using a product specifically meant for genital use is of course much better)

Then the acidity and good microbes need to be restored with probiotics to avoid a recurring infection. There are gels with lactic acid as well as little capsules with actual microbes in them that you can use and they work wonders!

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent