What's something most people don't know about you?

Everyone I know knows that I don't like watching violent and gory movies, but it isn't for the reasons that they think.

The truth is, is that I'm an author. Specifically, I write macabre horror. Though everyone I know knows that I enjoy writing, none of them know I'm actually published. I'm not sure I would want them to know, either.

When I'm watching violent movies, I have a hard time pulling myself out of the mindset of thinking about how much better a scene would have been if it had been made differently.

Blood splatters that could have been done bigger and better while still being fairly accurate.

Eviscerations that could have left far less to the imagination without tripping the censors and ratings boards.

Exposed organs, muscles, tissue, and bones that are too clean or too dirty, too much damage or not enough.

Maiming that's far too clean, to say nothing for the decapitations.

Did somebody get shot? That's a pretty big gun they used; turn around and let me see the exit wound! Hmm... that doesn't look quite right.

Did somebody get severely burned? How are they even still breathing? Their skin should be like a hardened shell by that point, suffocating them, at the very least.

Did somebody get stabbed? Cut? Slashed? Sawed? Those are some of my favorites to write about. The way the skin curls back as the elasticity pulls it apart, exposing the muscle as it tears with each flexing, bone notched and fat dribbling out and mingling with the other fluids to create a filthy ichor that slowly gelatinizes as it dries, becoming a quibbling mass of bodily vomitus.

But that's just in writing (and movies).

In reality, I'm introverted, a little shy, love reading and gardening, and I'm gentle enough that I could never actually hurt someone excepting for extreme circumstances (don't ever force your way into my home :), so even if I told my family and friends, I don't think anyone I know would ever actually believe that I wrote what I write.

I don't get to talk about it too often. There are meet-ups and conventions I could attend, sure, but see above, specifically, "a little shy."

Eh, well.

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