What's your "they're standing behind me, aren't they" saying too much accidentally story?

I get it's a trope on TV, but it probably rarely happens in real life. Still, remembered my own event after a TV scene tonight. This was twenty years ago. I'm on a Navy ship which like most ships have swing handle doors that can open quiet. I'm in the middle of commenting about one of the ship's officers (Ensign A) that has a well known history. The other guys are laugh then egg me on about another officer (LTjg B) who I didn't know much about. I turn around and there's LTjg B who heard all my comments about Ensign A. Those bastards were setting me up, and honestly I deserved it.

Didn't get in trouble or anything. LTjg B laughed it off and I helped him with his telephone line issue. I'll also add that later Ensign A ended up getting kicked out of the Navy due to her affair with an enlisted guy on the ship. So I wasn't telling lies, just probably not something you'd say about an officer in front of another officer.

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