When is the behaviour change?

I have - she's hit every milestone and then some. Very clever for her age.

She speaks decent Spanish on top of English, can name most shapes and all colours, as well as all the planets in our solar system. She has a telescope we use together, a microscope and slides we use together etc.

If she's not at nursery while I work (she usually is), shes with her grandparents. I spoke to the nursery a few weeks ago and they said they've noticed a change in her behaviour. "Pickle-ish" is the term they used lol.

We're all quite calm outwardly. I have cameras in my home (abuse in my childhood has made me paranoid about my daughter, I keep watch lol) so I know nothing is going on that shouldn't be.

We have strong autism/aspergers in our family. I am autistic (wasn't diagnosed until 26), and several of my cousins (and my nephew) have aspergers or autism. A lot of my uncles show strong aspergic/autistic traits but all are in their 50s, have lived their whole lives with it and dont care about being diagnosed (which is understandable, I didnt want to be diagnosed either as its too late for any treatments to help).

She has aspergic traits - she wont go to sleep in her bedroom unless everything is in the right place. In the last year she's rejected physical touch (I dont like it either tbh) so she gets lots of verbal affection to make up for it (praise for things she does - she got a kindness award from nursery and its been framed and put on the wall etc). She does occasionally ask for a cuddle or a kiss, etc, and she always gets one (i never say no, when I was her age I remember my mother telling me she doesn't have to love me any more because she had a new baby, so I NEVER say no).

I'm upping my therapy calls to twice a week for now. I'm sure that this is my fault, I was a disaster for the first two years of her life. I'll find a way to fix it all.

Thank you for replying x

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