When did everyone get so many friends?

You know it isnt vad to be alone, cause maximum people out there who got so many friends are just idiotic and fake... Love yourself ,work upon yourself learn new skills now matter how hard you have to try... work so hard upon yourself that you dont have time to think about stuff like other people's lives.... learn languages, singing, art, maths , everything.... Being alone is fucking peaceful. Trust me in this one. It's kinda sad when you start comparing or seeing other people's lives. You can always be better at things and people will automatically think you are an approachable person. However, not being friends with anyone doesn't mean that you become cold or rude. Keep your heart puree. Help people , (but dont expect shit back), tell people about your skills once you have developed them. But dont trust alot of people.... I cant really tell properly what I mean but umm yes... Good luck ;)

/r/socialskills Thread