When you lose that fire inside of you..

This is good advice, really, but I'm going to offer a counterpoint to it.

Sometimes things hit you, maybe a spate of depression, and you cannot even find motivation to find things you love doing. It sounds like excuse making, or being weak minded, or whatever, but until it happens to you it's hard to understand.

If the thing that hits you also disrupts your routine, you're in real trouble. Sometimes life can throw things at you that take away your motivation and your routine. Then you're in real trouble.

Personal anecdote: I lost my job a while ago, through no fault of my own. I've never lost a job, ever. My lunch time was my workout period and I worked in the same building as my gym. I missed about six weeks of going to the gym, and I ate like crap because I was depressed. All the while I wanted to go to the gym, because I love it. But I just lacked any motivation. I also didn't do other stuff I loved either.

I'm over that and back at it now, but I am pretty astounded by my strength losses from a poor diet/inactivity for what was a relative short period of time. Five weeks back on my routine and I still haven't recovered. At the end of last year, I pulled 450lbs after maxing my squat. The other day I failed on 365. Loading up a measly 205 on the bar for front squats hurts my rib cage. I miss all my stabilizer muscles.

I miss my gymbros, too. Now I'm going to a new gym closer to my new job, and it's like starting over. My old gym was like Cheers, everybody knew me. Now I'm just that guy who quietly hangs out by the squat rack. I know I'll reach my goals, but it'll just take longer now. It really sucked, and I shocked myself by how I responded to losing a job because I'm not one to let my work define me.

Sometimes life can take you by surprise and it will kick your ass. No amount of routine or motivation in the world can help if you stop caring about yourself.

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