White evangelicals will never dump Trump — but those who leave the churches will

Absolutely correct. I was born into crazy evangelicalism, my family was just getting out as I was entering middle school. Disappointed with the public school system, two parents with high level degrees from Stanford sent me to a private evangelical school. wtf?

I tried to fit in hardcore, but was always a closet liberal without even knowing it. It took a British classmate of mine basically telling me, "you say you're republican, but everything you say about your beliefs contradicts what republicans stand for."

That really opened my eyes. I spent just about a decade of my life intensely dedicated to evangelicalism, mission trips, worship leader, sunday school teacher, etc. Until I was "told my god" to move abroad. A decade away from the church let me mature into a semi-functioning adult that does not give a fuck about almost anything. Fuck the church.

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