Who was the worst guest that stayed at your house?

I was in college in Boston in 2004, and after Katrina hit, a lot of students from Gulf Coast schools did short-term transfers up to Boston-area schools. A lot of guys who weren’t in school also came up, because they had nowhere to stay back home, and people offered them bus tickets up North. We had a few people stay with us for a week or two without any problems. Nice guys dealing with a really shitty situation. They were grateful for a free place to stay while they got back in touch with their families and figured out where they were heading next. One guy ended up staying with us for about two months. He was alright at first, but after a while, I noticed that things in my room had been moved around while I was at work. Then I can’t find a dvd that was on my shelf. Stash looks a little light. Change jar is missing quarters.

We have a conversation with him. We understand the situation he’s in, and we’re willing to continue to help him out, but stealing anything, even if it’s small, is absolutely a deal-breaker. Mind you, he isn’t going hungry. He has a meal plan through the school, and we share everything with him. Food, booze, etc. He seems contrite, and for another week or so things are fine. Nothing goes missing, nothing is out of place. Then it starts again. We tell him he can have a few days to figure out where to go next, but he can’t stay with us anymore. He leaves without incident. A week later I get back from work and find a cop car in front of the house. Our neighbor saw this guy using a ladder to get into a window of our house. The neighbor recognized him, so he thought he had just locked himself out. Turns out he came back to steal my roommates $3,000 computer, my dvd collection, any money or booze he could find, and basically anything nice of ours that he had noticed while he was staying with us.

We filed a police report, but nothing ever came of it. We knew his name, had his phone number, had a witness, knew where he was going to school, but ironically, didn’t know where he was staying. Even if we had an address for him, the cops couldn’t have seemed any less interested in following up.

/r/AskReddit Thread