"WHOSE STREET?! OUR STREET!" ~ Seattle Protesters Shout, As They Push Back National Guard

Yes, absolutely to all the points you made. I've heard the argument for police working in communities they don't live in as being because criminal organizations would have a harder time harming an officer which doesn't live where they patrol. I am not sure how this contrasts with the levels of accountability and sympathy of an officer working in their own backyard.

Also, the NG as far as I'm aware puts much less, if any at all, emphasis on "learning" from wack jobs like Dave Grossman who has trained police forces for over 2 decades... Killology The police are trained to constantly fear for their lives and that every traffic stop could be their last should they not be quick on the trigger. Policing is a less dangerous career choice than a taxi driver, farmers, and garbage men. In fact, policing isn't even in the top 10.

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