I will have a penis thickening surgery this summer, how will the women react?

Look man, I'm in the same boat so take it from someone who knows what you're going through..... GET THE PROCEDURE DONE! While all these people are very kind and unique individuals for sympathizing with you and telling you it's not that serious but this is unrealistic advice from people who are either one in a million (meaning 90% of girls do care) OR they're just trying to make you feel better. Your penis serves a purpose unlike other physical features like height, weight, breasts, muscles etc. No girl is gong to want it and if they say they're ok with it just so they don't hurt your feelings that's not really in your best interest. Eventually they'll become dissatisfied and want something more and you'll become even more insecure throughout that time until it finally ends. Which will make you even MORE insecure. Having s small dick might as well be a disability so if you can fix it DO IT. Unless of course it's dangerous. Trust me all women are extremely picky. Women like to think it's men but last time I checked men will sleep with anything with a vagina. I personally am not like that but I don't care (like most men) about a woman having the perfect body and face. Women on the other hand want height, muscles (sometimes), and big dicks (all the time). To top it all off they want personality too which makes no sense because you might as well ask for the perfect man. Men don't have this problem. Give us a pretty face and a great personality and were happy with her. Maybe some big tits or big ass but it's not necessary for most men. Trust me when I say you'll have a horrible life ahead of you if you don't do this procedure. I've had women laugh in my facd who, before it came time for sex, were really sweet and caring. And guess what? My dick isn't even that small. Still get laughs and turned down. They walk out the room never to speak to me again. Talk behind my back and spread rumors so I can't even keep friends. Women aren't all evil but most are extremely shallow. Even the ones who aren't shallow want an average or above average dick because of not they can't enjoy sex. It makes sense but doesn't make it any easier so just do it man. Good luck. Sorry for the rant I was in a rush.

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