Women of reddit, what advice would you give a transgender girl?

Fuck you. (Sorry, don't take that personally, I'm trying to get banned here. :D But the 'drunk girls' comment was indefensible for the same reason all the other comments ITT are--they're presented specifically as advice to trans women, which is patronizing as fuck. Not to mention how problematic and gross and empty it is to derive confidence from compliments from people you know are inebriated and not in their normal state of mind. That normalizes things that make me extremely uncomfortable regardless.)

Ban me, mods, please, for the love of god, ban me. I've been personally attacking people on here all night, and it would be an honor. I don't want to have anything to do with a sub where shit like this is propagated. This entire thread is transmisogynistic garbage, and you're complete fucking hypocrites for allowing it while supposedly having rules to cultivate an open, safe environment for all women.

To the mods: to be perfectly honest, seeing this thread was a major part of what sent me over the edge tonight and led to being less-than-tactful (to say the least) in my comments in the other thread.

/r/AskWomen Thread Parent