Worst co-workers you've had?

There's a hostess where I work whom we've become fairly sure is stealing tips.

The waitress working with me in a section had a four-top yesterday who definitely left her some money. It was lying on the table, then this fucking hostess came over and bussed the table, and the money disappeared.

The waitress said something to me - I had already been grousing because I felt that I was missing tips, I just wasn't making what I should have been for how busy we were - and as soon as the hostess heard us talking, suddenly she appears from the front desk and hands the other waitress $6. "Oh, he said to give this to you.'

Now that tip was definitely on the table. The only way it could have taken that circuitous route through the restaurant would be if the guy went back to the table, picked it up, carried it to the hostess and told her to give it to the waitress. Uh, no.

I made $57 on Saturday, which was at least $30 less than I should have. Over this weekend, I was $100 short of my usual pay. We were a little slow, but we weren't that slow.

Anyway, as soon as the hostess handed that $6 to the other waitress I wrote down the time and went to find a manager. We went into the office, and I told her what happened and asked her to check the tape. She did, but because of the angle of the camera she couldn't see exactly what happened with the tip on the table, and unless they actually see it, they can't do anything.

I wasn't crazy about that sludgy little bitch anyway but if I catch her doing that I'm afraid of what I'll do. My son has $600 in dental work he needs done and I'm already gnawing my fingers about paying for it. I will choke that bitch out if I ever catch her at it, and meantime I'm grabbing my tips as soon as the customer gets up.

/r/TalesFromYourServer Thread