[WP] You are one of the most naturally talented Mage's to ever be born, but you don't know how to fill your mana bar.

I was born the second son of the fifth uncle, who had been raped as a child by the third father. Os everybody knows, mages born from this configuration are class C, or limited mana mages. No mage of this class had made it to rank five, let alone entered Holden Keep. Holden Keep considered class C mages too be excellent scholars, because while they had limited mana they had innate knowledge of magic. Unlike the class B, the endless reservation mages who had innate knowledge of a single field and could endlessly preform magic associated with it, they had excellent knowledge of many fields and practices.

For the sake of full explanations I will now tell you off class A mages, the exploration musik mages. These mages were neither endlessly knowledgeable nor specialized, but could learn everything and replenish their reserves through listening to music or playing it.

It was a rare coincidence, my birth. You see i was a twin and his birth came nearly two hours after mine. This would usually not be a problem, but our father the fifth uncle was molested by his third daughter during this period. As everybody knows mages born third son of the fifth uncle, who has been molested by his third daughter yields a spiritual class B mage. So now we were twins, and I had extreme knowledge and learning capabilities as a class C mage and my brother had a deep connection with the spiritual world. That world giving him white reserves in near endless amounts.

We were five when it first happened, our mother had been hurt while out hunting and had a gash the size and depth of a fist on her bottom. My brother, although near endlessly powerful, only knew the white discipline. While I had a great understanding of anatomy my reserves were limited and I knew so. I still decided to draw on my reserves, even with the knowledge that I shortened my lifespan and potential considerably.

As I drew on my reserves deeply I found my brother, who was rooting for me with all his might, and noticed that I could touch his reserves. He replenished me as fast as I could empty myself and so we managed to heal my mother without hurting me. Our mother, a deeply religious husha, knew what we had done and so threw us out, for the husha do not tolerate mages nor magic.

We went to Holden Keep, near starvation and at our limit we were taken into the medical ward and helped. We asked to enter the school and were allowed to do so. Holden Keep was a difficult place for most, but with my brothers help people thought me a exceptionally talented class A explorer, but I was in fact an average class C geek. After nearly two decades of learning we decided to go out and explore. There we conquered dragons, ghouls, ka'fields, rubbennoses, and even a maiden or two.

As worldly explorers, we found ourselves tired and lonely. With wishes of settling down and a woman each in our sight line we retired. I, as the second son of the fifth uncle and had a twin brother my children all became mages. As time progressed I realized that our linage would give us up, since none of our children would become class A mages but the first child of a class A always has the firstborn be the same.

At this point in the story, we near forty, decide time had come to tell the truth. It would mean our lives, but traitors who submit have their families spared, where as traitors who are discovered are killed back three generations.

At the block, my brothers spirit well calls to me, and we share four and a half tear before we are split in twain and my last thoughts are of my brothers terror at the severing, not my pain of decapitation.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread