
gross rage porn.

cart narc gets off on upsetting people for attention. thats part of why people are getting so upset , he is ENJOYING seeing them rage and hides behind the “virtue” of putting your cart away. using the carts as an excuse to be a terrible person and get attention , money, and followers.

all of you people supporting this have created a monster. a sociopathic monster who feeds off rage and misery like a vampire for “your entertainment”. nah , its for his cortisol ,stress hormone, adrenaline , attention seeking addiction. anyone who enjoys this type of human interaction is pathological.

all of you finding this funny are missing some empathy modules. theres nothing good about this.

these upset narced people are DRIVING away and not thinking clearly and could cause accidents or worse.

cart narc’s actions affect not just the people he feels justified in punishing but others down the road. he could be endangering innocent peoples lives by secondhand consequence

do you think any of these agitated people are going to be driving well, be patient with their children , perform life saving surgery, or their important jobs that require focus to help society function later that day ?

is it worth it for a stupid viral video?

then have a weak moment immortalized and publicly shamed for all the internet to consume like hungry medieval crowds at the town square hanging .

imagine being remembered as one of this guys victims. imagine being famous for having a shitty day.

all of our actions have consequences not everyone leaving shopping carts around is doing it to be lazy or a bad person. maybe their loved ones died that week , maybe they just lost their job, maybe they are in a hurry , nobody really knows.

the world could use more kindness and patience right now

being a compassionate cart narc in todays messy f’d world would be way more radical and punk rock than this loser.

/r/PublicFreakout Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it