YSK if you're trying to quit smoking you should register for texts from http://smokefree.gov/smokefreetxt You'll receive motivational texts a few times a day as well as support when you text "crave". Worth a shot if you're serious about quitting. It's helping me.

I'm not going to give you the one-liner, "Vaping! It works!" or "Alan Carr! It works!" Why? Simply because, frankly, I've been through the patches, gums, Alan Carr (all the power to him and those that it's worked for), cold turkey, and vaping, and only one's worked to at least get me off the cigarettes in the long term so far. And from personal experience with a family of smokers, hell, everyone works differently. So here's my minor personal tale, take it or leave it.

Sidebar: Chantix can go die in a fire based on what it's done to friends of mine. Fuck everything about it, even if it works for Jim and Jane here and there, it's not worth the risk in my humble opinion.

But let me preface my own story by saying that the following didn't work for shit: patches, gum, Alan Carr (sorry!), nor cold turkey. I kept coming back every. goddamn. time.

Frankly, what it came down to was the experience and built-up rote memory, ritual, and repetition over 17 years of smoking. I committed to quitting before my son was born, and went to the vaporizing side of the fence knowing my triggers ahead of time. I quit cigarettes within a few months after he was born and have been in a state of (what my educated guess says is) harm reduction ever since; it feels like an evolution with a built-in means to an end to nicotine rather than a wholesale cold interruption.

If you can go 0% nicotine on a vaporizer and isolate the triggers to rote hand gestures and triggers rather than the nicotine itself, then you're in for a smooth landing toward getting away completely. I can't stress that enough; if you can break the chemical addiction to it all, getting past the rituals is much easier and yet at the same time an amplified trigger to bring you right back in. If the vaping path isn't your thing, all the more power to you in your fight; I've been there many times before, but only broke the cigarette cycle after switching to vaping. I've been helping smokers within my friends and family bridge off the cigarettes to an rational end ever since; at the very least, I'm getting them away from cigarettes for the long-term.

On the plus side, when you get a craving, you're not going back to cigarettes; you have an intermediary harm reduction strategy to fall back to, nicotine or not. All the factors involved in smoking cigarettes over time working in concert with one another are an exceedingly tough nut to crack, enough so that I've seen relatives of mine come back from a couple of decades of quitting right back on the Camel train when the going got very tough.

tl;dr: Good luck, godspeed, and you can absolutely do it one way or another, vape or not. But if it's one thing I've learned in life, it's always have a fallback strategy before the fall.

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