Zip code with most Obamacare enrollments votes Republican

That's probably no mystery. They are mostly those who lost their health insurance from small to medium sized employers who knew they could dump workers insurance on the back of taxpayers, thanks to "ObamaCare." And, because of that SAME ObamaCare, these people now find that it's illegal for them to go without insurance or else, start paying FINES -- to THE GOVERNMENT. So, because they are "good citizens" who try to follow the law (MUCH more characteristic of Republicans than Democrat constituencies), they complied with the ORDER to buy ObamaCare sanctioned health plans -- even though they are MUCH more expensive than the ones their employers originally had in the first place (before ObamaCare) as a general rule.

Oh -- and those who didn't have insurance before ObamaCare, as a general rule, STILL don't. But they do have "health care," because, just like before "ObamaCare," it's STILL illegal for Hospitals to turn away patients in need of medical services in cases of emergency.

So, in general, the only people getting screwed by ObamaCare are the middle/working classes, because:

(1) the "rich" (Upper and upper-Middle Classes) can now dump their employees insurance on the ObamaCare exchanges and pay a small fine for not covering them more economically rather than shopping the market for a GOOD insurance plan for their employees; and

(2) The Dependent class who do not work, and who rely on the Government for almost everything -- because they will receive full subsidies to pay for ALL their ObamaCare insurance (along with everything else) at the expense of the Middle/Working class (who are paying for EVERYONE ELSE'S AND THEIR OWN, TOO.

THIS is Obama's "Redistribution of Wealth." Rob from the Middle Class and give to the RICH so they can fund his never-ending campaigns, and also give to the Dependent classes so they NEVER stop voting for the Progressives/Liberals perpetually, to keep them in power, and their handouts coming.....

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