AITA for being upset with my boyfriend for moving into an apartment?

No I’m not. It’s called looking at the bigger picture and critical thinking.

  1. They aren’t married.
  2. They don’t live together.
  3. They don’t contribute to one another financially.
  4. She had issues, not him.

Thus he can decide where he lives. It’s what’s best for him, not her. If they were married or going to be paying on rent on an apartment together, absolutely her feelings need to be considered. This is her personal experience. It’s unfortunate what happened to her, but it didn’t involve him.

Everywhere I’ve lived, I’ve had good and bad aspects. I’m always transparent and if people ask about my experience, I’ll be honest, but it’s on that individual over what they do. I’m not going to get my feeling hurt if they don’t do what I say.

That’s what being an adult is.

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