AMA Request: EACommunityTeam

I feel like the bad microtransactions are really easy to avoid, though. Among the games I've played in recent times I can't really think of any with bad microtransactions. There have been a couple of times where I played a free to play game that was pay to win simply because I was tight on cash and wanted something to do, but I wouldn't spend money on it (would kinda defeat the purpose of what I was doing).

I get the frustration, but I don't think it's such a massive problem. There are a few big companies milking their customers with tons of DLC and microstransactions, but I find it incredibly easy to just... not play those games. Especially since continuing to play those games is literally costing me resources when I could otherwise be doing something else.

This probably isn't what anyone wants to hear, but if microtransactions were such a huge problem then they wouldn't exist. At the moment enough people are willing to pay the money that the companies are asking for, and if that's the case then the companies nailed the worth of their products. If the microtransactions were an issue then people wouldn't be willing to spend money on them and they would go away.

The bottom line is that I find avoiding these games with bad microtransactions unbelievably easy to do, in such a way that I'm not even actively boycotting anything but here I am somehow avoiding all these problem titles.

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