Anything related to my love life wrong in my birth chart

You have 3 major planets, including Venus, the planet of love, in Libra in the 5th house. Libra is the sign of partnerships and relationships, and the 5th house is the house of romance. This could signal a person who is kind of "in love with the idea love", and since your moon is here, needs relationships to feel comfortable and secure, especially romantic ones. This placement would make not having these relationships in your life more difficult for you than for a lot of people.

The problem is that this group of planets are making harsh aspects to a few of your planets up in capricorn in the 8th house, especially saturn. People with their moon square saturn tend to be rigid when it comes to personal relationships, unable to be completely open. There is a lot of fear that prevents them from fully enjoying being with other people, so it's hard for them to develop relationships. This might be because during childhood the love they received from their parents wasn't unconditional, they felt like they had to work for it or earn it. They may have been neglected emotionall, or they felt like love it was hard to get.. So now, whether it's conscious or unconscious, these people have an expectation that this is the way it's going to be with all their love relationships in the future. This expectation of difficulty causes them to manifest exactly that.

It's possible you have to learn not to be so reserved, that it's okay to be yourself and be vulnerable, and this will help you not have so much fear when it comes to relationships. Learn to expect people to come into your life who will love you unconditionally and abundantly, because you don't right now and that's a big part of why they're not there. Your chart says you have the potential to be a really sweet and romantic person if you can get over your fear and self doubt and learn to start expecting great things from life.

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