Apparently I'm torturing him now.

Honey. Honey. Honey.

15 days post-partum. Anyone in the medical field is recoiling in horror at the thought of trying to have sex 15 days after having a baby.

Right now, your body actively doesn't want sex. Your hormones are doing everything in their power to force you to focus all of your attention on your offspring. It's a biological process - most men realize this. A supportive partner participates actively in child-rearing, and physically respects his wife's need for physical recovery in a time of stress and exhaustion.

6 weeks is the BARE MINIMUM for recovery before sex. 6 weeks is not a Starter Pistol! that's the point in time when it's ok to consider sexual activity, slowly, and only continuing when there is no pain. Many doctors agree that 10-15 week is much better for post-partum recovery.

HE is the problem. Not you.

Let me repeat that. He. Is. The. Problem.

If he loved you, he would care about your well-being. He would care about your body, and your feelings, and your comfort. He wouldn't endanger you or your ability to care for your children.

If you stay with him, he will become your son's primary role model. Father's teach their children what "love" looks like - and abusers have a knack for raising more abusers.

If you stay with him, your daughter will grow up believing that it's ok for men to influence, guilt, pressure, or otherwise force her into sex. She will grow up believing it's something that she "owes" to the men in her life, rather than something freely given in a relationship based on mutual respect.

Please, think about it. There are options out there.

/r/DeadBedrooms Thread