Asking for a friend

In about 20 minutes, this super cute girl from a local college social app is coming over to drop off her dog so I can dogsit for the weekend.

This will be the second time. The first time, my friends were giving me hell and didn't believe I'm not trying to crush her box until I finally showed them I have no correspondence with her outside of details about her dog. I have no interest whatsoever in this chick outside of giving her a hand.

It bothered her that I refused payment the first time because I think she probably also had the same suspicion, but this time she knows I'm not trying to creep. She appreciates that I'm being a nice guy, and one of my buddies said "You're such a fucking good dude".

Being nice is often its own reward. I make a lot of decisions based on "if I look back on this would I be proud of myself?" and helping out someone in need certainly can be one of those things.

Here's the secret though: I really like this fucking dog. Watching Ghost is the reward for watching Ghost.

Edit* I just realised that last line works in multiple ways, both from dogsitting this particular puppy, and from enjoying the Swayze / Moore / Goldberg romance film.

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