A company near my hometown has been illegally dumping oilfield waste onto the ground for two years

Growing up in Texas, I had a very similar experience. I don't know if all the people that say Texas isn't like that are just whitewashing or they just never vetnture outsidee their immediate reference group.

Most people seem to think they are a very good judge of others. That they can "read" people. That they "get" people, that they "know" them even with only semi informal or regular interaction. I don't think many people realize the vast majority of people we meet and interact with are opaque to us. Few of us reveal out inner thoughts and feelings to the outside world be it due to social pressures such as politeness or other motives such as not to piss of the wrong person. Unless we're in a reference group we feel shares those opinions that is, then it seems to flow.

All the people that seem to think texas isn't like that, believe you me it's all around you. You either just live in a bubble or those people just don't think you're someone they can share those opinions with.

I grew up in a pretty small town and can come off a bit country even nowadays. I don't know why but people seem to get the impression they can confide some of the most small minded, bigoted, racist, retarded shit I've ever heard. The early Obama years were they fucking worst. I've heard so much retarded shit including the stuff about Obama being a Muslim. Always said with sincerity as if it would be a problem if really was.

It was sickening and fucking relentless. I'm talking about people expression this kind of shit to me in the boondocks, in the suburbs, i the big cities, in tech industry, definitely in O&NG, in fucking academia, and yes even in precious austin. All this from people I often respected, looked up to, cared about and/or considered friends. Most of them often otherwise intelligent, successful and kind.

I don't particularly consider myself liberal just not retarded. I remember feeling so alone and depressed during that time. People often talk about how there's tons of people that are open minded and liberal, but noone ever explains that most people are what I call "young people liberal". I.E. they don't fucking matter. They don't fucking vote unless it's something trendy like a gay mayor or a black president. They occupy public parks instead of high power positions in industry, government, or society. They don't make significant donations to the political machine and they cluster in easily gerrymandered districts.

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