[CW] Pick your favorite franchise (Harry Potter, James Bond, Hunger Games, etc.) and start at the beginning. Immediately kill the protagonist, then continue the story.

Since the title is not specific, I'm having a hard time deciding if that means the protagonist dies at birth or dies at the beginning of the franchise, or dies at the first moment protagonist was in danger.

Please tell me so I can finish my prompt.


The night was dark. It was the lowest crescent moon. Moaning could be heard from inside a cave. A woman with beautiful red hair was screaming in a circular pattern of candles. Gentle hands pushed down on her extended belly as the ancient language sealed underneath her skin swelled through leaving a black and blue bruise on the skin just around her navel.

“I don’t know what to do, she’s in so much pain” the handsome blue eyed, blonde haired sun-kissed man whimpered feeling helpless, leaving his reputation for always making the best decision. This has lead him through the ranks to be the leader of everyone, even his wife chose to be his wife rather then the power and immortality she was destined for. His speed, intelligence, and beauty wooed her and is why she elected him to lead. Yet here he is in near panic.

“Women are made to endure pain more then a man. Your job is to focus” the old midwife replied. His hands cast dominance over the curse that threatened to end his wife’s life for choosing the path of wifely mortality over power. Out of love for him, she smiled as she lay there helpless. It was dimmed by another contraction and moan. His hands controlled the bruising of the spell she had taught her husband time over and over again as he does not have the birthright to posses. He had to work harder then she ever would as he could only cast on one letter at a time. With his speed, this was not a problem, but he still worried about his beautiful red flower who he had never seen so helpless. He tried not to cry.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread