You're acting like I'm actively trying to ruin peoples games.

Im sorry for your situation but if you know you have an unstable connection and are still queuing up for the competitive games as they currently work (no backfill and limited rejoin), then you ARE actively ruining peoples games. fucking up games for hopes of what the rejoin system should be is not okay.

the first few times are forgivable, shit happens, anyone whose played online games for an extended period of time knows that, but its clearly not as rare as you seem to think it is if the games banned you from comp, that takes a lot of leaving and afaik after a period of no disconnects the timer goes down to give you a bit of leeway with random drops(i could be wrong about that though)

If you're connection is that bad play QP until you find a solution to it, the punishment for dropping there is an xp bonus so nothing serious, if you refuse to do that then i have no sympathy for you. The time and experience of 11 other people is more valuable than yours.

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