Day 4 - Synthetic Cannabinoids

Because I've smoked weed for 5 or so years daily. I just used synthetics when money was tight.

I never had any side effects from synthetics, and no the stuff I took is not "spice".

You see, there is a lot of misinformation and judgement when it comes to synthetics. It's hard to put oneself out there without feeling this pending judgement from people.

For specifics, I took: 5F-AKB & 5F-PB22 mixed sprayed onto damiana with a cherry aroma flavour.

I took the synthetics for the past 2years along with normal weed, with zero issues. Yes they're research chemicals, and are full CB1/CB2 agonists, whilst THC is only a partial agonist.

I'm not going to defend research chemicals, but I also don't expect to be judged for using them either, but it's likely to happen; I know that.

Yeah I did think my benzo use was the reason I'm feeling zero withdrawals, I just wanted a second opinion on it, which you provided so thank you.

I suppose apart from sometimes not being able to afford weed, I feel it's right for me because it chills me out, takes the edge off my mental illness which I've had since birth, not curable.

I don't work because of my illness and feel like weed provides me a reason worth living for. Sure I feel fine without it, but fine is just that... it's baseline and meh.

Sorry for the long winded reply, I guess with the fact I was expecting withdrawals and didn't get any, I wanted to know why and this seemed the best place to ask; and not surprisingly, it's the benzos that are causing me to feel zero W/D.

Anyway I guess that concludes this thread, and yeah I won't be able to take synthetics anymore anyway, the UK passed a new psychoactive law this May, disallowing the sale of any RC's, surprisingly, it's still legal to possess "legal highs" though.

With my new found insight of not getting withdrawals, I feel I don't need to stop vaping good ol mary jane, since when I run out, I won't feel withdrawals between waiting for the money to roll in to buy some more, which is what I was concerned about since synthetics are not buyable online anymore.

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