dey took r tacos!

And yet the far right is unwilling to issue immigration reform and bring undocumented immigrants on equal footing with documented and US born workers. Look, you are never going to to be able to send all the undocumented immigrants back, ok. That's impossible. But yet giant corporations who are benefitting from the undocumented work force is unwilling to pass comprehensive immigration reform because they know that the minute that happens they will have to improve working conditions for all workers, issue proper health and safety training to all workers, and issue other social services to all workers.

Truth of the matter is that undocumented do in fact work for less, receive much more employer violations, lack healthcare because they understand that that is the price they pay for coming over illegally. However, American employers/corporations are benefitting from these workers because most of them are in fact paying taxes. Yes they provide a false SSN but they nonetheless get deductions every week just like the rest of the employees. This isn't a good system. But the American right is unwilling to issue reform because they know that they can oppress and silence undocumented workers with threats and mistreatment.

In sum, undocumented immigration is bad for Americans, but it's great for corporate america and for employers. And that is why no one is really willing to budge on this issue. I'm a liberal, obviously, but we can both agree that our federal government hasn't taken responsibility for their actions. It was them who in 1942 issued a temporary guest worker program known as the Bracero Program that initiated the immigration influx. The government promised to protect the workers while they were here temporarily and to give prevailing wages and sanitary housing conditions. The government and private employers broke that promise, leading many workers to desert and become some of the first undocumented workers. This lasted for 20 years and it was the mistreatment of workers and exploitation of cheap labor that led to the influx. Later, the government failed to give in to the labor unions demands for higher wages, resulting in a higher influx of cheap labor. This has never ended. The government is responsible for both failing to pay high wages to documented workers but it has also exploited and given harsh working conditions to undocumented workers. And while this is a problem that the government has started, they are not willing to budge on reform. However, neither is the private sector. I know this all just seems like a giant mess but I feel like the government, the corporate sector, and the employers have let down hard working, blue collar undocumented, documented, and American born workers. I think we can at least agree that these people, who are actually in control, have no interest in helping out the lower and middle class of this country.

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