I didn’t react the right way to my husbands cheating prank and now our marriage is not the same. I don’t want a divorce over such a ridiculous thing.

It’s always so interesting to me how people online read a persons post & automatically starts assuming the worst & projecting their past on to the OP. Everyone’s advice is always “get a divorce” “leave now “ very rare does anyone give actual realistic & mature advice that isn’t a overreaction. OP described a good relationship until this prank which I agree was a bad prank, but regardless who is in the wrong it doesn’t seems grounds to recommend someone breaking up their family & ending years of a good thing. I guess you can’t expect any better getting advice from random strangers on reddit though. Best of luck to OP & the husband. Marriage is filled with ups & downs, they way people respond on here no wonder the divorce rate is so high.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread