The dysfunction of civilization

Oh for the love of God...

The good ol days were exactly as terrible as these days, except back then everyone had less rights and less individual freedom. And I'm sure you look on that and think dignity, respect, honor, but what I see is oppression and lies. People were just as depressed, except depression wasn't a thing. You couldn't talk about mental health, because there was no grey area. Sane or insane was the gist of it.

And marriage? Yeah how great it was, having women forced to stay married to their abusive, shithole husbands and pretend they were happy because no one would lift a finger to help them because they were their husbands property.

Oh and let's not forget that most people worked way more hours in way more labour intensive jobs. My grandfather had to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to hunt rabbits to supplement his income, and then spent all day chasing a horse on a cart down streets to deliver milk to houses. His life sucked ass, and I would never wish to go back to that shit.

Simply the fact that less than 100 years ago by virtue of being born a chick my existence would be valued less, my opinion valued less and my education valued less and I'd be socially expected to get married to some asshole and pop out a bunch of kids to be considered valuable to society.

Oh it's all pretty when you don't look too closely, I'm sure.

/r/collapse Thread