Emotional betrayal, or should I just get over it?

I feel your missing the point. I said the reason most men give in one specific sub - deadbedrooms - is because they don't want to pay alimony and child support...why you keep saying I am referencing the entire male population is beyond me but it's also outside on my control. If you want to continue to take my words out of context and twist them than discussion is pointless. I am referencing that particular sub because many men post there, it's popular, and the situations discussed are similar to the OP's...why you refuse to acknowledge my words in the context in which I have framed them points to a larger issue which ironically is relevant to the OP's situation - communication break down. If one party in a discussion completely closes themselves off to openly considering someone else's perspective and and continually frames the discussion to their point of view, the communication fails and no progress will be made, hence why I think the OP needs to make a solid exit strategy.

At not one point did I say most men/many men as applied to men in general do anything. I am only referencing men in the deadbedrooms sub who want to leave their marriages but choose to stay. The number one reason is because they don't want to pay alimony and child support, the number two reason is they don't want to only spend time with their children 50% of the time, and the third most popular reason is hoping that they can resolve the issues and make the marriage work. How this data is sexist defies logic - these are words freely written by men who are currently experiencing marital difficulties in a deadbedrooms. They explicitly spell it out of their own volition. As you insist on twisting my words and taking them out of context I grow tired of reiterating the same points, it has grown dull and tedious and is ultimately futile, I am disengaging.

/r/DeadBedrooms Thread Parent