Found a new kink but don't know how to deal with SO reaction to it

Talk to him. Tell him you enjoyed it and ask him to share more about his thoughts/feelings. Address any concerns he might have.
Same thing happened to us before. I’m petite and my husband is nearly a foot taller. We have rough sex sometimes for fun and variety. One time we tried bondage, it left bruises on my wrists (I have tender skin - wasn’t even on that tight). Didn’t bother me (like you said, intense O) but it alarmed him. I was fine with our regular sex but missed the intensity. We talked. He enjoyed it but was worried about hurting me given our considerable size/strength difference. He also felt like as a man he should protect his wife, not harming her. I told him I trust him completely cause he is generally very protective and has great self control. Once he knew how much fun I had he wasn’t bothered anymore. We still play rough when we are in the mood.

Make sure you hear each other out and are on the same page. And don’t forget to use a signal or key word for safety precaution.

/r/Marriage Thread