FrozenbyteGames's response to Trine 3's feedback

Because he can control his fans?

He has way more control over the kind of people he attracts then you'd think. he attracts these people because of the kind of content he produces.

Can you point me to where his content makes his fans a 'bunch of rabid assholes"?

He's given legitimacy to some movements and criticized the legitimate threats of violence others have received. He continually doubles down instead of admitting fault with his own actions.

A good example of dealing with your community the right way would be to look at how Egoraptor and Danny Sexbang dealt with their community after publicly naming and shaming a Walk-through writer. They owned up to it and apologized for naming the guy and wished him the best. They didn't tell everyone to harass him, but they did anyway because of their video. The Grumps caused his harassment, and for that, they apologized and edited their video.

If that was TB, he'd shrug it off and say "oh well, can't control my rabid fanbase lol". He'd rather shift the blame onto others than accept his own faults and apologize.

Totalbiscuit can't control what anyone else other than himself does. Blaming him, or the content he produces, for inciting people into being 'rabid bunch of assholes' is just really really stupid .

He has total control over his content, and if it incites harassment, then he should recognize when it does and apologize. If I had a passionate fanbase of 2 million people and then made a video about how much XYZ developers suck and should be fired, I would be responsible for inciting my fanbase.

Or can I blame you for the actions of strangers?

If I was the one inciting an angry mob, then yes, you could.

All this is on top of the problems I have with the actual content of his videos, not just his "cynical fleet".

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