Gamestop Stock going down, when there should be an influx of new users right now.

yeah woman are pretty smart at picking a job they can do. I've never laboured with a chick that shouldn't be there. Its just most girls dont go for those jobs/cant. Another thing to bash of us men too. We are smaller then the last generation (plus i think steriods were way ezier to get :P) and less athletic.

Manning has stayed the same so some days your stuck with a girl and like 2 guys. one might be short and scrappy the others pretty usless and you get stuck doing a fuck ton of lifting. It's kinda a curse being over 6ft you end up doing all the work over your head.

they need to add jobs for the simple fact that we have woman in the workplace and not as many barbarians. we're probably do with some labour reform... or i'll just keep working really hard i guess.

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