Gigantic - PAX East 2015 Trailer

It's kinda MOBA and kind of not.

How it works is basically you have a map that has capturable points. When you capture a point you can summon an NPC mob to defend it. The stronger the NPC the longer it takes to summon it, which means your team has to keep you alive on that point for you to summon the mob, some mobs impart bonuses or healing on those within it's influence. To capture a point from an enemy you have to kill that mob first, and some can be quite powerful.

This part I'm not too sure on but whoever controls more points is more likely to start a god monster event. Those two huge monsters you saw in the trailer, are basically god's and each team has one at their side of the map. When an event is started one of the gods travels to the other side and attack the other. They are invulnerable during this, but when he attacks the other, the other falls to the ground injured, then you have a chance to do direct damage to him.

Eventually he gets up, the gods become invulnerable again and you go back to fighting for capture points with the other team. Until the event happens again.

When it gets down to the end, a new part of the map unlocks, called the arena and the last battle takes place there. But basically each team works to hold more points throughout the match in order to have more chances to attack the enemy god monster. When that monster is out of health you win.

Your character has a small selection of skills and an ultimate and a few passive upgrades. Every time you level you can upgrade a skill, but you get two choices per level per skill of how you want to upgrade. For example, you can upgrade an attack to have a larger AoE or more damage. Then next level you get two new choices on how to upgrade.

All in all, it's a stunning and really fun game and the characters all feel unique and well made. The devs are awesome and are putting in a lot of work and a lot of testing to make a good and balanced game.

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