You hate Yankees?

Today I came to a deep thought. I had tried to understand conservatives for 30 years. I watched the fox and hbo interviews with Trump this weekend. What did I learn? Conservatives lack sympathy. They do not analyze their surroundings at all. They truly do not care about others and only their selves.

I wanted to understand. I am from Texas. I care about how my neighbors are doing. I talk to them and if they need something I can provide, I will. "Conservatives" will not do this. They push themselves off. They will talk about previous descretions that happened with others and paint you with them.

I believe that trust is earned and neutrality given. You cannot trust them. They will never trust you.

There are 162k deaths as of this posting. The President didn't care. He cared only wether he looked good. 162k fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, grandmas, grandpas, husbands, and wifes. He didn't care. All he cared was about how good wall street was doing.

"Conservatives" now for me, can burn in hell. You are ok with Americans dying. It does not surprise me as you are the only ones that fly the Confederate flags.

I have been thinking about a second American civil war. I have picked my side now. Thank you "Conservatives". God help America.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread