Hillary Clintons campaign built on a mountain of secret cash

I think Hillary Clinton wants nothing more than to beat Republicans and win the White House.

She does really really want to be president, yes. Nothing wrong with that.

Even adopt Republican strategies

I... what? What strategies from the R's is she adopting? The Republicans have been engaging in major fear-mongering on a ton of issues, Clinton hasn't been doing that. They've also been lying vastly more than the fibbing Hillary's done.

like buying the nomination

Hasn't Bernie been out-fundraising her for these past few weeks?

I think the Clinton's have spent a lifelong career earning political favors from people.


I think that's how Bill won.

No. Look up the Election of 1992, a lot of things happened, Bush became an unpopular president after reneging on his promise of no new taxes. Don't pull random crap out of nowhere.

I think that's how she got 300+ super delegates before the primary ever began.

She got those superdelegates because she's a former First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State, and her best competitor is a socialist who only joined the party a year before the primaries just to run for president, while having done little for the Democrats in return. Expanding on that while running Bernie has refused to help fundraise for local, state, congressional elections while Hillary has. So of course the party's not going to love him.

Hillary is a DLC third way Democrat with a warmongering American foreign policy.

She's somewhat hawkish compared to the average Dem, but overall? Not really. If you think she's warmongering there are these people called Republicans...

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