How does a 22 year old woman go about finding men in your age range?

Oh man. OK, I'm going to address all the issues you made in your post here. Excuse me if I'm vulgar at times, the religion thing is a very sensitive issue to me. I'll keep off discussing the other points you brought up.

Yeah, your points are all purely based on your experience, I can tell. Anyway, I know that things might not work out between a man and I just because we share a lack of beliefs in the religion. God fucking dammit, I absolutely HATE when people bring up the "oh, you'll change your mind about Islam, you'll go back to your religion eventually!" No, I'll never go back to believing in that shitty religion that sees me as half the worth of man, that gives husbands the right to rape and beat their wives, that makes women cover up against their will, thar forced me to pray five times a day, fast every year, that want me dead simply for not believing. Do you know the shit I went through in my life and family just to leave that absolute atrocity of a religion?

Of course you and your boyfriend had no problems upfront, they usually hide their true beliefs until after marriage. And yeah, his parents accepted him for who he was, I have to live a shitty double life and may never even be able to come out to my parents to keep the peace in my family. Yea, it's so easy for me from my culture to identify with their culture, they're allowed to go out whenever they want, date, have sex anytime they desire whereas if us women did the same we'd be called whores and sharmootas and be shunned from our families. Did your boyfriend tell you what that word meant as well? And

And yeah, I dated a Palestinian ex-Muslim, he treated me like absolute crap. He told me himself he secretly never was able to get rid of the cultural indoctrination and how he viewed women. And that's 99% of Palestinian men, too. I myself had a much easier time to do so because I was so invested into Islam and oppressed by it that when I left, I wanted to do anything I could to adapt and tried my best to leave it all behind me. I'm willing to put up with interracial marriage and learning another person's culture and have found many brilliant people of different backgrounds.

Case in point, it's about who you are attracted to. To be honest this traditional viewpoint is one of the few things I identify with in my culture; I know it will be harder to find in men of some other cultures but it can happen. That is why I'm open to dating older men who usually want to settle down. And in any case, I would never, never go back to Islam and marry a Muslim. Do you know how Muslim men use the Quran to justify treating their wives? Go into the r/exmuslim sub and read all the horror stories of closeted ex's married to Muslims still, especially for women. No matter how "liberal" they are, the Muslim men are the ones in control according to Islam, and will always go back to the religion to be able to do so.

Fuck all of that, fuck Islam, it ruined my life, I'm never, ever going back.

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