How much utility do you get out of your pocket knife? I've carried one for years now and it's never come in handy, and I'm an Engineer!

I'm not a man, but I carry one and use it 2-3 times a week. Just for small stuff like opening parcels, screwdriver for opening kids toys and battery compartments or fixing small things, cutting tags off things, opening bottles, piercing annoying plastic packaging, cutting paper to make things with, cutting string tangled in stuff. the pliers I use a lot for opening bottles/lids/taps/bolts that are on too tight. It's easier than having to find the right tool since it is always right there.

I also like the small amount of protection it offers when I'm out alone with my kid - it makes me feel a little safer and more confident. And it makes me feel more capable and prepared, as in, if my dog got their lead or collar caught in something I could free them. If we are camping I can cut wood for a fire or emergency pegs, or free a tangled guy rope. If there was an emergency and I needed to make tourniquets or cut someones clothes or a seatbelt I could. If I needed to tighten a vital screw or undo something to fix it I can whilst I'm out - like at a friends house I can fix things for them even if they don't have tools.

Also being the hero with a corkscrew is always nice.

/r/AskMen Thread