How to remember to buckle my son's seatbelt?

Read the article, still didn't change my mind. It sounds like people are too focused on themselves rather than caring for their child. The guy just plum forgot to drop his child off at day care.

This isn't a question like, "Did I turn off the coffee maker this morning?" or "Did I feed the cats before I laid down to go to sleep?"

This is a human fucking life that you're responsible for. How stupid do you have to be to forget about your own goddamn flesh and blood?

Then there's this gem: "His motion-detector car alarm went off, three separate times, out there in the broiling sun. But when he looked out, he couldn’t see anyone tampering with the car. So he remotely deactivated the alarm and went calmly back to work."

Jesus fucking Christ on a pogo stick. I'm shocked that these people made it to adulthood let alone procreated.

Human babies are probably the most helpless in the animal world and you fucking forgot to get yours out of your car because you had other things on your mind? I'm sorry, I don't feel bad for these parents (and I use that term very loosely) at all.

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