How would you live your life differently if you knew with absolute certainty that you would not find "the one"?

Late 30s, having waited for her for my whole life, studying, then working like a mule and saving every cent for the future partner and family I was told would show up one day...

Let's just say I'm glad I at least had that silly idea for so long - it provided the motivation to get a good career and save a lot of money.

But after 3 years now of dating a lot - tons of energy, money, time, etc spent, I think I've learned to not expect too much.

In reality, there are many women who would probably be a great fit. I've met them, but unfortunately we were not both in the right place at the right time.

But it could happen one day. And I'm not really all that excited, because I've been so observant at the realities of relationships and families these days, that even the best case scenario isn't all that great. And the worst case scenario - being divorced, losing my kids and financial independence - is a big damn risk.

The most likely scenario: a few longer term relationships that don't go anywhere because I'm not interested in being a provider for 35+ aged women, sporadic but fun 3rd and 4th dates that fizzle out, and lots of first dates that don't go anywhere... along with months in-between of completely ignoring dating and women. It's what I'm used to. Not ideal, but tolerable :/

/r/datingoverthirty Thread