Husband no longer attracted

I can speak as someone that has went through something very similar but I never once was dumb enough to say I wasn’t physically attracted anymore . However, we did discuss the loss of attraction and it was terrible. I had a high libido and hers were pretty much nonexistent and only had sex every once in a while just because she thought maybe it’s something she should do but not because she felt any urges to . It was completely mind wrecking and soooo depressing to be in a relationship where one of you craves affection and the other doesn’t even have the natural feelings to even think about . She gained weight and got very depressed after I took a higher paying job and she decided to be a stay at home mom . I didn’t care about the weight for me it’s that’s just life and something different and I like new things so when that happened it didn’t stop my sex drive . Now , her attitude and unwillingness to do anything is what did it for me . Like never wanted to leave home for almost 7 years and stopped doing any house work ( which is fine cause we were a team and should support each other while we are going through things ) so , I would work 12 hours days and had two jobs and always bought dinner or made dinner when I got home every night for years and made the kids take baths and put them to bed before I got any rest .

We only went on two vacations in the 16 years we were together and the first was for one weekend not far from home with the kids and the second was just us at a lake house for a weekend without kids and she spent the whole time telling me I spent too much money and we shouldn’t have went . Worst time I ever had on a couples getaway . She eventually started seeing a therapist and got on Prozac which made her extremely happier and got her out of her depression but by that time I had done built up so many years of being emotionally drained , neglected, and abused that I couldn’t let go of my bad feelings to start over . I’ve always been a very strong guy but I can’t tell you how many times she’s brought me to my knees and just cried my eyes out . If it wasn’t for us having two kids together I would have left a lot sooner but I was always brought up that if you make a commitment like that it’s for better and worse . Well , I couldn’t hang on to that any longer just couldn’t.

I hope you guys work it out and the longer we live all of us do shut that is wrong at some point but it’s not worth it to live without peace and happiness. If he’s not attracted then I promise you there is a million of us guys out there that you would be there dream come true everyday and would treat you like your the only beautiful woman on this planet but first I’d confront him about it and let all the thoughts and problems that are bothering you flow off your chest . Trust me it feels so much better after you say it to your spouse than to us on here . All we have are opinions and that’s not facing the issue . Tell him how you feel and how he made you feel . Hell you both may even have great sex after that heated exchange of words which is awesome if you’ve ever done that btw .

Good luck to you and again hope you both get it worked out

/r/Marriage Thread