Husband said he no longer wants to share last names. How do I get past the embarrassment/hurt I feel?

A lot of countries, for example Hispanic, do not change the maiden names. For example, I have two last names, my first last name is my father’s first last name (passed down from his father) and my second last name is my mother’s first name (passed from her father).

My children have two last name, their first last name is my husband’s first last name and their second last name is my first last name.

All of our documents, identification is with both last names. Since we’re in USA, it’s treated as hibernated last name, but in reality is that in our birth countries is like that. Now, both my kids were born in USA so their last name is hibernated so they could both of our last names as we’re accustomed.

I never took my husband’s last name, that’s not part of the Hispanic culture.

/r/Marriage Thread Parent