ICBC refuses to issue drivers license and BC Health card. Friend is going to be homeless.

They ask for proof of BC residency, so I transfer my hydro account to X.

Due to work commitments, X misses the first renewal by a week. When X returns they refuse to issue a renewal license.

X had in fact been overseas for 2 years after losing their license and health card

X can’t afford rent anywhere and is broke. X has no where to go and is planning on sleeping in a car they bought with their remaining savings.

X has no ID, a severely damaged passport, missing birth certificate, no family.

X had 6 months to sort this situation out.

X missed the ICBC deadlines due to 'work commitments' yet I'm sure X's pay stubs would have helped with the situation (unless X is working under the table for cash.. which seems likely given X's decision-making trend)

How is X able to afford vehicle insurance?

Does X realize that it is illegal to park an uninsured vehicle on the street?

Does X realize that it is illegal to operate their vehicle without a valid license?

/r/britishcolumbia Thread