If you've ever broken up with a woman due to physical features out of her control, what was that reason?

Two women I broke up with because--despite brushing, flossing, swishing with Listerine, etc.--their mouths tasted disgusting.

One I refused to date because of what may have been a wart or mole--I never found out which, and I never heard her say she was getting rid of it. (It was one of the more prominent displays--might've been ok were it hidden somewhere. Case in point: dated another woman who had a skintag on the right side of her abdomen, near the hip. That was a different story; we broke up because she wanted to meet/fuck someone by being picked up in a bar.)

There were maybe... five different women whom I either didn't date or broke up with soon after because they were pretty much nonexistent in the chest area (I can't seem to learn when a woman is using an "enhanced" bra, and thus am secretly disappointed when the "illusion is dropped", so to speak.)

One had bad acne, two had what I'm going to call "frogneck" (in that, it seemed their chin connected with their necks--looking like a frog), one had ugly feet and a rather unsightly nose, and two had stubby fingers.

/r/AskMen Thread