I'm in love with my best friend

Actually, OP says he is OP's best friend. It's not necessarily a two way street.

Also, not sure how OP knows how much he & his partner talks - "different time zones" isn't an indicator of anything. You can see a family member every day and not talk as much as you do with someone you know online. I just saw another post on reddit where a long distance couple has now been on a video call for over 24.. And yeah, they're in different time zones. OP recognises that he's in love.. So whatever the amount of conversation is really something that is between them and 8 months? Sounds like it's working so far for them.

The interesting part is the "but I know he deserves better".. I'm curious. He deserves better than his current relationship, or he deserves OP to be happy for him?

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent