I'm married and I swear, we're a dying breed

Ugh... Fellow parent here, mid-30s dude.

Even offline, a lot of my friends have this attitude, like, "Sorry you have to go home at 8 pm; we're going to go out and drink until 2 tonight, then sleep in till noon tomorrow. Sure is nice to have time and money, since we don't have kids!"

My friends don't really understand what I do or how much I make, but I'm bringing in $156k. Even with the money that I'm spending on daycare and kid stuff (clothes, food, toys, activities, etc. -- about $40k for the year), and the money I'm putting away for them for college, I still clear more than $100k. Sure, I have people I need to take care of, a house to maintain, a future to plan for and whatnot, but money isn't really an issue for us.

Not only that, but I get to go home at 8 and I have a quiet night in with my wife, who I like. I can have a glass or two of expensive scotch in a quiet environment, by the fireplace, where I can enjoy it. We cuddle and watch TV or play games. Maybe we just decide to spend the time doing out own thing for a bit (that glass of scotch by the fireplace can be improved with a good book). Or maybe we go to bed at 9 pm, because sleep is glorious (or maybe we're in bed at 9 because the kids are asleep, so now it's time to put that vasectomy to the test).

And then when I get up at 6 am the next day, I've got all the time in the world to kick back and drink coffee and read the news while the kids watch cartoons. We can go grocery shopping, I can get the lawn mowed, get a haircut, do random housework that needs doing, we can take the kids to the park (they're old enough now to go go mushroom hunting with us, so that's a cool, mellow hobby we can enjoy as a family when the weather is decent), just chill in the backyard with a cup of coffee while the kids play, etc.

Life is good.

/r/AdviceAnimals Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com