Internet friends being wholesome

Oo! Something I can post about

Theres a RP website I played since I was a kid. I've met some of the best people from there, and one I even fell for and we met a decade later after talking all our lives as kids growing up. There was real life drama in this group ( there's well over 50 + counting over the years, the group itself just never really died off. Some of us stopped playing but some still go on time from time just to say hi ) there was relationships, people would visit eachother after years of growing up together etc. We had eachother on all social medias, some even go to another country to be with their friend or online relationship that became not so online anymore. From the USA, to UK, Netherlands etc. It's kind of fucking wild how far we all made it with eachother. I've met multiple people from the site, and plan to continue to do so. There's even a wedding in Canada coming up and those who are still close to said player are planning on going to the wedding. It's all real fucking wild, and I spent a lot of childhood/teenage years on that site, because those were the best friends for that time. Some of them passed on, some became shitty people, some of us just stopped playing. But overall, we all keep in contact. 10/10 would not trade it for the world.

/r/wholesomememes Thread Link -